Parents » Attendance


Perhaps the single most important thing that you can do to assure that your child(ren) are successful in school is to get them to school on time, leave them in school for the whole day and help them be rested, fed, prepared and ready to learn.

When your child is sick, please keep them safe at home where they can rest and not make others sick. Absences should be reported daily to the school office at 808-313-6300 or online from the link on our website or our Mobile App.
There are several in-school incentives for children to be in school, on time every day such as our WILDCATS spelling for class rewards and Perfect Attendance certificates for individual students.
There is a section in our handbook on Attendance. If you have concerns or questions please talk to your childʻs teacher, the office, the health aide or set up a meeting with an administrator.

Click HERE to report an absence online