About Us » General Information

General Information

FUN Facts

  • Konawaena Elementary is a K-5 school in central Kona on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi.  Established in 1899 on the site that is now the Kealakekua Library, KES moved in 1922 to the 12 acre campus that now houses the Middle and High Schools.
  • We moved into our current campus in 2000.
  • Enrollment - approx. 570 in grades Pre-School through 5th.
  • Our cafeteria serves almost 1,200 meals a day including lunch and breakfast for Konawaena Elementary, Hoʻokena and Honaunau Schools.

School Hours
School starts Daily at 8:00 a.m
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday - Finishes at 2:15 p.m
Wednesday only - Finishes at 1:15 p.m

​​Absences and Tardies
Please notify the school by 8:30 a.m. by phone or email whenever your child is absent or by notifying your childʻs teacher.  Homework my be requested at this time.  Homework requests made later in the school day may not be able to be filled. 
Children arriving after the 8:05 a.m. tardy bell must be accompanied by an adult to the office to obtain a Tardy Slip.
Office Phone is 808-313-6300.  Email is [email protected] or there is an email link on the home page of this website.  Absences many also be reported online here.

​Early Release
Like absences, early releases impact student learning and are discouraged. If you must pull your child out for an important appointment please notify the office or your childʻs teacher and allow about 20 minutes to come to the office and sign your child out and wait for them to come to the office.

Telephone Messages
In an effort to minimize classroom disruptions, PLEASE limit your telephone calls to URGENT and EMERGENCY messages only.   Instructions on after school transportation should be discussed prior to the school day.

Change of Name, Address, Phone Number or other Personal Information
It is IMPORTANT that all information is kept current. The school need to be able to contact a parent in an emergency.  If there are any changes to your childʻs emergency contact, PLEASE notify the school immediately.  You may send a note or call the office to make any updates.

Please come to the office to request a release form at least three (3) days prior to the studentʻs last day.  This will give the office ample time to prepare the documents and forward them to the receiving school.
Please provide: 
-Last Day of School
-Name of school transferring to
-Forwarding address/phone number
NOTE: Legal parents or guardians must complete the Release process.

All visitors must sign in at the office and receive a visitorʻs badge.  There are a few visitor parking stalls in front of the office.  Overflow parking is on the street.
If visiting a classroom, please make arrangements with the teacher beforehand.

We have several volunteer opportunities at our school.  If you have a few hours to spare, contact the office.